Background to the formation of
AILA (L'Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée / International Association of Applied Linguistics) has a changing portfolio of Research Networks (ReNs). They are approved for three years, and then every three years for possible renewal. They receive no financial support from AILA, nor can they charge for membership, in other words they have no budget of their own for activities. All ReNs are required to organize a symposium at the AILA Congress, which happens every three years (the next one is in Rio de Janeiro, in 2017). Beyond this, the Research Networks are largely autonomous and decide on their own activities. More information about ReNs here.
In January 2015 the AILA Research Network committee approved a proposal submitted by Richard Smith (Warwick), Nicola McLelland (Nottingham), Friederike Klippel (Munich) and Giovanni Iamartino (Milan) to found a Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching (HoLLT). This AILA Research Network can be seen as the extension of an AHRC-funded network project (2012-2014) coordinated by Nicola McLelland and Richard Smith. The principal activities of the previous project consisted of two workshops (December 2012 in Nottingham and June 2013 at Warwick, both in the UK) and an international conference in Nottingham in July 2014. For further details of these past events and associated publications see the previous project's website. At the 2013 Warwick meeting, representatives of a number of existing national and language-based associations (APHELLE, CIRSIL, the Henry Sweet Society, PHG, SEHEL and SIHFLES) agreed that a further intensification and internationalization of networking would be desirable.
Emerging from this background, the AILA Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching is intended to provide a forum which existing national and language-based associations (see 'Links' tab above) can take advantage of to communicate with one another and build research collaborations, and which can provide them with additional publicity, thus helping to strengthen them. At the same time, a major function of the Research Network is to serve individual researchers interested in the history of language learning and teaching for whom no dedicated national or language-based association currently exists.
AILA (L'Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée / International Association of Applied Linguistics) has a changing portfolio of Research Networks (ReNs). They are approved for three years, and then every three years for possible renewal. They receive no financial support from AILA, nor can they charge for membership, in other words they have no budget of their own for activities. All ReNs are required to organize a symposium at the AILA Congress, which happens every three years (the next one is in Rio de Janeiro, in 2017). Beyond this, the Research Networks are largely autonomous and decide on their own activities. More information about ReNs here.
In January 2015 the AILA Research Network committee approved a proposal submitted by Richard Smith (Warwick), Nicola McLelland (Nottingham), Friederike Klippel (Munich) and Giovanni Iamartino (Milan) to found a Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching (HoLLT). This AILA Research Network can be seen as the extension of an AHRC-funded network project (2012-2014) coordinated by Nicola McLelland and Richard Smith. The principal activities of the previous project consisted of two workshops (December 2012 in Nottingham and June 2013 at Warwick, both in the UK) and an international conference in Nottingham in July 2014. For further details of these past events and associated publications see the previous project's website. At the 2013 Warwick meeting, representatives of a number of existing national and language-based associations (APHELLE, CIRSIL, the Henry Sweet Society, PHG, SEHEL and SIHFLES) agreed that a further intensification and internationalization of networking would be desirable.
Emerging from this background, the AILA Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching is intended to provide a forum which existing national and language-based associations (see 'Links' tab above) can take advantage of to communicate with one another and build research collaborations, and which can provide them with additional publicity, thus helping to strengthen them. At the same time, a major function of the Research Network is to serve individual researchers interested in the history of language learning and teaching for whom no dedicated national or language-based association currently exists.