Members' publications since 2015
All details of 2015+ publications in the area of History of Language Learning and Teaching which are shared by members via the network's email discussion list or Facebook group (see 'Join') are included here:
Argent, Gesine, Derek Offord and Vladislav Rjéoutski. (2015). 'The functions and value of foreign languages in eighteenth-century Russia'. The Russian Review 74: 1-19. Available online.
Barsi, M. & Iamartino, G. (eds) 2018. Le lingue straniere nell’università italiana dall’Unità al 1980: percorsi di ricerca, monograph section of Italiano LinguaDue, 10:1.
Bryant, Catherine and Bruno Mascitelli. (2016). From Small Beginnings: The Victorian School of Languages. Melbourne: Arcadia (Australian Scholarly Publishing). Further information.
Burton, Graham. (2023). Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating Its History and Current Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Further information.
de Cillia, Rudolf and Friederike Klippel (2016). 'Geschichte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in deutschsprachigen Ländern seit 1945'. In Bausch, Karl-Richard; Burwitz-Melzer, Eva; Krumm, Hans-Jürgen; Mehlhorn, Grit; Riemer, Claudia (eds.). Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. 5. Aufl. Tübingen: Narr, 625-631.
Coffey, Simon. (ed.) (2020). The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching. Amsterdam University Press. Further information.
Critten, Rory G. (ed. and trans.) (2023). French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber Donati and Commune Parlance. Leeds: ARC Humanities Press. Open Access.
Duarte, Sonia, Fátima Outeirinho and Rogelio Ponce de León (eds). (2015). Dos Autores de Manuais aos Métodos do Ensino das Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras em Portugal (1800-1910): una aproximación a la historia de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en Portugal. Porto: APHELLE.
Doff, Sabine and Richard Smith (eds.) (2022). Policy and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives. Amsterdam University Press. Further information.
Eder, Ulrike and Friederike Klippel (eds.) (2017). Sprachenunterricht im Kontext gesellschaftlicher und politischer Ereignisse und Entwicklungen: Historische Vignetten. Münster: Waxmann. (MAFF 36). Further information.
Frijhoff, Willem, Marie-Christine Kok Escalle and Karène Sanchez-Summerer (eds.) (2016). Multilingualism, Nationhood, and Cultural Identity. Northern Europe, 16th-19th Centuries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Gallagher, John. (2016). '"Ungrateful Tuscans": teaching Italian in Early Modern England'. The Italianist 36/3: 392-413. Abstract.
Gallardo, Matilde. (2016). 'Modelos de buen uso: los libros d lecturas, readers, colecciones y florestas como herramienta para el aprendizaje del español en el siglo XIX'. In Durán F. and Gaviño, V. (eds.) Estudios sobre el exilio en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Madrid: Visor Libros, pp. 247-273.
Giesler, Tim. (2015). 'Here be dragons. Von einer „Mythologie“ zu einer „Morphologie“ des Fremdsprachenunterrichts'. IJHE Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education. 2/2015: 146-161.
Giesler, Tim. (2018). Die Formation des institutionellen Englischunterrichts. Englisch als erste Fremdsprache in Bremen (1855-1873). Studien zur Fremdsprachendidaktik und Spracherwerbsforschung. Band 10. Trier: WVT.
Hulshof, Hans, Erik Kwakernaak and Frans Wilhelm. (2015). Geschiedenis van het talenonderwijs in Nederland. Onderwijs in de moderne talen van 1500 tot heden. Groningen: Uitgeverij Passage.
Iamartino, G. & L. Berti. (2018). 'M. Santagnello, maestro di lingua italiana nella Londra del primo Ottocento'. Italiano LinguaDue, 10:1, 36-60.
Klippel, Friederike (2016). 'Historische Forschung'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 31-39.
Klippel, Friederike (2016). Forschungstraditionen in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. In: Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 23-31.
Klippel, Friederike (2018). 'Die Neueren Sprachen (1894-1900): Schwerpunkte des Reform-Diskurses'. In Martinez, Hélène and Franz-Joseph Meißner (eds.). Fremdsprachenunterricht in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift für Marcus Reinfried. Tübingen: Narr, 175-207.
Klippel, Friederike (2019). 'The history of English instruction in the German-speaking world'. In Raymond Hickey (ed.). English in the
German-Speaking World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77-95
Klippel, Friederike and Elisabeth Kolb (2016). 'Dokumentensammlung'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 124-132.
Klippel, Friederike, Kolb, Elisabeth and Dorottya Ruisz (2016). 'Analyse historischer Quellen'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 220-229.
Klippel, Friederike and Rolf Kemmler (eds.) (2021). The Reform Movement and the Grammar-Translation Method. Special issue of Language & History 64(3).
Kotlarska, Irmina. (2016). 'Teaching English in the first English handbook for Poles of 1788'. In Steciąg Magdalena, Adamczyk Magdalena, Biszczanik Marek (eds.). Kontakty językowe w komunikowaniu. Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 177—188.
Kotlarska, Irmina. (2018). 'The first English phrase book written for Poles (1857) from the historical-pragmatic perspective. In Szymański Leszek, Zawodniak Joanna, Łobodziec Agnieszka, Smoluk Marek (eds.). Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture. Zielona Góra: Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 97—108.
Linn, A. (ed.). ( 2016). Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. De Gruyter Mouton. Further information:
Lombardero, Alberto. (2015). The Historiography of English Language Teaching in Spain: A Corpus of Grammars and Dictionaries (1769-1900). PhD thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. Online:
Lowe, Robert & Richard Smith (2020). 'L.A. Hill's "neutral English": a historical counterpart to ELF'. ELT Journal 74/1: 20–28.
Mairs, Rachel and Richard Smith (eds.) (2019) Bi/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching' Special issue of Language & History 62(2).
Marizzi, Bernd, Maria Teresa Cortez & María Teresa Fuentes Morán (Eds.) (2018). Deutschlernen in Spanien und Portugal. Eine teilkommentierte Bibliographie von 1502 bis 1975. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Further details.
Martínez del Campo, Luis G. (2015). Cultural Diplomacy. A Hundred Years of History of the British-Spanish Society. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Further information:
McLelland, Nicola. (2015) German Through English Eyes. A History of Language Teaching and Learning in Britain 1500-2000. Harrassowitz, Further information:
McLelland, Nicola (2017) Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages: A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain. Abingdon: Routledge.
McLelland, Nicola and Richard Smith (eds.) (2018). The History of Language Learning and Teaching, 3 volumes (Vol. I: 16th-18th Century Europe; Vol. II: 19th-20th Century Europe; Vol. III: Across Cultures). Oxford: Legenda (Modern Humanities Research Association). Ordering information.
Nava, Andrea, & Pedrazzini Luciana (2019). 'ITALY ELT Archive. A historical archive of materials for English language teaching in Italy.' In F. San Vicente (Ed.), Grammatica e insegnamento linguistico. Approccio storiografico: autori, modelli, espansioni. Quaderno CIRSIL 12 (pp. 291-314). Bologna: CLUEB.
Offord, Derek, Vladislav Rjéoutski, and Gesine Argent (2018). The French Language in Russia: A Social, Political, Cultural and Literary History. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Further information
Risager, Karen. 2023. Research timeline: 'Analysing culture in language learning materials'. doi: 10.1017/S0261444822000143. Language Teaching 56(1): 1–21.
Rixon, Shelagh and Richard Smith (2017) A History of IATEFL: The First Fifty Years of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Faversham: IATEFL. Online (Open Access)
Rjéoutski, Vladimir (ed.). (2016). Quand le français gouvernait la Russie. L'éducation de la noblesse russe, 1750-1880. Paris: L'Harmattan, Further information:
Rubio, Clémentine. (2022). L’enseignement du français en Palestine d'après les archives diplomatiques du consulat général de France à Jérusalem. Lambert-Lucas. Further information.
Ruisz, Dorottya. (2015). 'Social education in the English language classroom? The implementation of US-American policies in the English language classrooms of Bavaria (1945-1951)'. In Paul, Heike and Gerund, Katharina (eds) Die amerikanische Reeducation-Politik nach 1945. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf „America’s Germany“. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 161–184.
Sanchez-Summerer, Karène and Willem Frijhoff (eds.) (2016). Linguistic and Cultural Foreign Policies of European States. 18th-20th Centuries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Schleich, Marlis. (2015). Geschichte des internationalen Schülerbriefwechsel: Entstehung und Entwicklung im historischen Kontext von den Anfängen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Münster: Waxmann. Further information:
Smith, Richard. (2015). 'Building "Applied Linguistic Historiography": Rationale, scope and methods'. Applied Linguistics 37/1: 71-87. Online (Open Access).
Smith, Richard (2021). 'A brief history of ELT Journal'. ELT Journal 75/1: 4–13.
Smith, Richard. (2021). 'History of language teaching and applied linguistics'. In Coombe, C. & Mohebbi, H. (eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer, 743–747.
Smith, Richard and Tim Giesler (eds.) (2023). Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives. AILA Applied Linguistics Series no. 20. Benjamins.
Smith, Richard and Nicola McLelland (eds.) (2018). Histories of Language Learning and Teaching in Europe - Special issue of The Language Learning Journal 46/1, with editors' introduction. Online (Open Access)
Spaëth, V. (ed.) 2020. Special issue (Didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde : histoire et historicités). Langue française 208 (2020/4). Abstracts.
Sridhar, M. and Sunita Mishra. (2016). Language Policy and Education in India: Documents, Contexts and Debates. Routledge India. Further information:
van Strien-Chardonneau, Madeleine and Marie-Christine Kok Escalle (eds.) (2016). French as Language of Intimacy in the Modern Age. Le français, langue de l'intime à l'époque moderne et contemporaine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Vicentini, Alessandra & Iamartino, Giovanni (eds.) (2020) 'Dizionari, glossari e lessici bilingui in prospettiva storica' Special issue of RILA – Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 52/2–3.
Weir, Cyril J. and Barry O'Sullivan. (2017). Assessing English on the Global Stage: The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016. Sheffield: Equinox.
Argent, Gesine, Derek Offord and Vladislav Rjéoutski. (2015). 'The functions and value of foreign languages in eighteenth-century Russia'. The Russian Review 74: 1-19. Available online.
Barsi, M. & Iamartino, G. (eds) 2018. Le lingue straniere nell’università italiana dall’Unità al 1980: percorsi di ricerca, monograph section of Italiano LinguaDue, 10:1.
Bryant, Catherine and Bruno Mascitelli. (2016). From Small Beginnings: The Victorian School of Languages. Melbourne: Arcadia (Australian Scholarly Publishing). Further information.
Burton, Graham. (2023). Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating Its History and Current Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Further information.
de Cillia, Rudolf and Friederike Klippel (2016). 'Geschichte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in deutschsprachigen Ländern seit 1945'. In Bausch, Karl-Richard; Burwitz-Melzer, Eva; Krumm, Hans-Jürgen; Mehlhorn, Grit; Riemer, Claudia (eds.). Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. 5. Aufl. Tübingen: Narr, 625-631.
Coffey, Simon. (ed.) (2020). The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching. Amsterdam University Press. Further information.
Critten, Rory G. (ed. and trans.) (2023). French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber Donati and Commune Parlance. Leeds: ARC Humanities Press. Open Access.
Duarte, Sonia, Fátima Outeirinho and Rogelio Ponce de León (eds). (2015). Dos Autores de Manuais aos Métodos do Ensino das Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras em Portugal (1800-1910): una aproximación a la historia de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en Portugal. Porto: APHELLE.
Doff, Sabine and Richard Smith (eds.) (2022). Policy and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives. Amsterdam University Press. Further information.
Eder, Ulrike and Friederike Klippel (eds.) (2017). Sprachenunterricht im Kontext gesellschaftlicher und politischer Ereignisse und Entwicklungen: Historische Vignetten. Münster: Waxmann. (MAFF 36). Further information.
Frijhoff, Willem, Marie-Christine Kok Escalle and Karène Sanchez-Summerer (eds.) (2016). Multilingualism, Nationhood, and Cultural Identity. Northern Europe, 16th-19th Centuries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Gallagher, John. (2016). '"Ungrateful Tuscans": teaching Italian in Early Modern England'. The Italianist 36/3: 392-413. Abstract.
Gallardo, Matilde. (2016). 'Modelos de buen uso: los libros d lecturas, readers, colecciones y florestas como herramienta para el aprendizaje del español en el siglo XIX'. In Durán F. and Gaviño, V. (eds.) Estudios sobre el exilio en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Madrid: Visor Libros, pp. 247-273.
Giesler, Tim. (2015). 'Here be dragons. Von einer „Mythologie“ zu einer „Morphologie“ des Fremdsprachenunterrichts'. IJHE Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education. 2/2015: 146-161.
Giesler, Tim. (2018). Die Formation des institutionellen Englischunterrichts. Englisch als erste Fremdsprache in Bremen (1855-1873). Studien zur Fremdsprachendidaktik und Spracherwerbsforschung. Band 10. Trier: WVT.
Hulshof, Hans, Erik Kwakernaak and Frans Wilhelm. (2015). Geschiedenis van het talenonderwijs in Nederland. Onderwijs in de moderne talen van 1500 tot heden. Groningen: Uitgeverij Passage.
Iamartino, G. & L. Berti. (2018). 'M. Santagnello, maestro di lingua italiana nella Londra del primo Ottocento'. Italiano LinguaDue, 10:1, 36-60.
Klippel, Friederike (2016). 'Historische Forschung'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 31-39.
Klippel, Friederike (2016). Forschungstraditionen in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. In: Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 23-31.
Klippel, Friederike (2018). 'Die Neueren Sprachen (1894-1900): Schwerpunkte des Reform-Diskurses'. In Martinez, Hélène and Franz-Joseph Meißner (eds.). Fremdsprachenunterricht in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift für Marcus Reinfried. Tübingen: Narr, 175-207.
Klippel, Friederike (2019). 'The history of English instruction in the German-speaking world'. In Raymond Hickey (ed.). English in the
German-Speaking World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77-95
Klippel, Friederike and Elisabeth Kolb (2016). 'Dokumentensammlung'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 124-132.
Klippel, Friederike, Kolb, Elisabeth and Dorottya Ruisz (2016). 'Analyse historischer Quellen'. In Caspari/Klippel/Legutke/Schramm (eds.). Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik - Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 220-229.
Klippel, Friederike and Rolf Kemmler (eds.) (2021). The Reform Movement and the Grammar-Translation Method. Special issue of Language & History 64(3).
Kotlarska, Irmina. (2016). 'Teaching English in the first English handbook for Poles of 1788'. In Steciąg Magdalena, Adamczyk Magdalena, Biszczanik Marek (eds.). Kontakty językowe w komunikowaniu. Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 177—188.
Kotlarska, Irmina. (2018). 'The first English phrase book written for Poles (1857) from the historical-pragmatic perspective. In Szymański Leszek, Zawodniak Joanna, Łobodziec Agnieszka, Smoluk Marek (eds.). Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture. Zielona Góra: Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 97—108.
Linn, A. (ed.). ( 2016). Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. De Gruyter Mouton. Further information:
Lombardero, Alberto. (2015). The Historiography of English Language Teaching in Spain: A Corpus of Grammars and Dictionaries (1769-1900). PhD thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. Online:
Lowe, Robert & Richard Smith (2020). 'L.A. Hill's "neutral English": a historical counterpart to ELF'. ELT Journal 74/1: 20–28.
Mairs, Rachel and Richard Smith (eds.) (2019) Bi/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching' Special issue of Language & History 62(2).
Marizzi, Bernd, Maria Teresa Cortez & María Teresa Fuentes Morán (Eds.) (2018). Deutschlernen in Spanien und Portugal. Eine teilkommentierte Bibliographie von 1502 bis 1975. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Further details.
Martínez del Campo, Luis G. (2015). Cultural Diplomacy. A Hundred Years of History of the British-Spanish Society. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Further information:
McLelland, Nicola. (2015) German Through English Eyes. A History of Language Teaching and Learning in Britain 1500-2000. Harrassowitz, Further information:
McLelland, Nicola (2017) Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages: A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain. Abingdon: Routledge.
McLelland, Nicola and Richard Smith (eds.) (2018). The History of Language Learning and Teaching, 3 volumes (Vol. I: 16th-18th Century Europe; Vol. II: 19th-20th Century Europe; Vol. III: Across Cultures). Oxford: Legenda (Modern Humanities Research Association). Ordering information.
Nava, Andrea, & Pedrazzini Luciana (2019). 'ITALY ELT Archive. A historical archive of materials for English language teaching in Italy.' In F. San Vicente (Ed.), Grammatica e insegnamento linguistico. Approccio storiografico: autori, modelli, espansioni. Quaderno CIRSIL 12 (pp. 291-314). Bologna: CLUEB.
Offord, Derek, Vladislav Rjéoutski, and Gesine Argent (2018). The French Language in Russia: A Social, Political, Cultural and Literary History. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Further information
Risager, Karen. 2023. Research timeline: 'Analysing culture in language learning materials'. doi: 10.1017/S0261444822000143. Language Teaching 56(1): 1–21.
Rixon, Shelagh and Richard Smith (2017) A History of IATEFL: The First Fifty Years of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Faversham: IATEFL. Online (Open Access)
Rjéoutski, Vladimir (ed.). (2016). Quand le français gouvernait la Russie. L'éducation de la noblesse russe, 1750-1880. Paris: L'Harmattan, Further information:
Rubio, Clémentine. (2022). L’enseignement du français en Palestine d'après les archives diplomatiques du consulat général de France à Jérusalem. Lambert-Lucas. Further information.
Ruisz, Dorottya. (2015). 'Social education in the English language classroom? The implementation of US-American policies in the English language classrooms of Bavaria (1945-1951)'. In Paul, Heike and Gerund, Katharina (eds) Die amerikanische Reeducation-Politik nach 1945. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf „America’s Germany“. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 161–184.
Sanchez-Summerer, Karène and Willem Frijhoff (eds.) (2016). Linguistic and Cultural Foreign Policies of European States. 18th-20th Centuries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Schleich, Marlis. (2015). Geschichte des internationalen Schülerbriefwechsel: Entstehung und Entwicklung im historischen Kontext von den Anfängen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Münster: Waxmann. Further information:
Smith, Richard. (2015). 'Building "Applied Linguistic Historiography": Rationale, scope and methods'. Applied Linguistics 37/1: 71-87. Online (Open Access).
Smith, Richard (2021). 'A brief history of ELT Journal'. ELT Journal 75/1: 4–13.
Smith, Richard. (2021). 'History of language teaching and applied linguistics'. In Coombe, C. & Mohebbi, H. (eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer, 743–747.
Smith, Richard and Tim Giesler (eds.) (2023). Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives. AILA Applied Linguistics Series no. 20. Benjamins.
Smith, Richard and Nicola McLelland (eds.) (2018). Histories of Language Learning and Teaching in Europe - Special issue of The Language Learning Journal 46/1, with editors' introduction. Online (Open Access)
Spaëth, V. (ed.) 2020. Special issue (Didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde : histoire et historicités). Langue française 208 (2020/4). Abstracts.
Sridhar, M. and Sunita Mishra. (2016). Language Policy and Education in India: Documents, Contexts and Debates. Routledge India. Further information:
van Strien-Chardonneau, Madeleine and Marie-Christine Kok Escalle (eds.) (2016). French as Language of Intimacy in the Modern Age. Le français, langue de l'intime à l'époque moderne et contemporaine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Vicentini, Alessandra & Iamartino, Giovanni (eds.) (2020) 'Dizionari, glossari e lessici bilingui in prospettiva storica' Special issue of RILA – Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 52/2–3.
Weir, Cyril J. and Barry O'Sullivan. (2017). Assessing English on the Global Stage: The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016. Sheffield: Equinox.