Forthcoming events
June 2025. 'Back to the past to understand the present. Exploring the interplay between socio-cultural and political issues and language education'. HoLLTnet-supported International Inter-Association [CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL, SIHFLES] Conference on the History of Language Learning and Teaching 2025 (ICHoLLT), University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 5–7 June 2025. Call for papers (deadline Jan. 15th) and website.
Past events
20 September 2024. 'English Language Teaching in Italy (1900–2000). A Historical Archive of ELT Materials at the University of Milan'. One-day conference supported by HoLLTnet, University of Milan. Programme.
August 2024. 'English Language and Nationalism Through the Ages'. HoLLTnet-supported seminar at the European Society for the Study of English 2024 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, chaired by Simon Coffey and Giovanni Iamartino. Programme and abstracts.
August 2024. 'Colonialism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching' HoLLTnet symposium at the AILA Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, chaired by Rachel Mairs and Richard Smith. Programme and abstracts. Recording.
17–22 July 2023: Symposium on 'Ideology in the History of Language Learning and Teaching' at the AILA Congress in Lyon, France. Call for papers
28–30 June 2023: 'Language teachers, methodologies and teacher training in historical perspective'. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL, SIHFLES, supported by APEF, APROLINGUAS and, University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal. Call for proposals: English; French | Programme.
11–13 May 2023: HoLLTnet-supported 16th CIRSIL conference on 'Didattica delle lingue speciali: storia e prospettive / Special languages teaching: history and perspectives, University of Palermo. Call for proposals: English; French (deadline: 25 February)
5–6 December 2022: First HELE India Conference 2022: 'Archiving texts, textualising history: textbooks and pedagogy of English'. Organised by HELE-India Group. Call for papers (deadline now passed).
20-22 September 2022: Strand of papers on 'History of Language Learning and Teaching' at the Annual Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas conference, Leuven, Belgium. Call for papers (deadline now passed). Abstracts of papers accepted
8–10 June 2022: Workshop on 'Colonial contact and the history of learning and teaching non-European languages', University of Leiden, Netherlands, 8–10 June 2022. Call for papers. Programme with abstracts.
Language Teaching: Pedagogy and Ideology. 14th CIRSIL conference, supported by HoLLTnet. University of Pisa – Polo Congressi Le Benedettine, Piazza San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno 16, Pisa, Italy, 23–25 September 2021. Call for papers (now closed). Programme.
HoLLTnet Online Colloquium on Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Friday 17 September 2021. Original call for papers. Programme
HoLLTnet symposium on Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, AILA Congress, Groningen, Netherlands, 20 August 2021. Original call for papers. Programme
HoLLT-net supported book launch for The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching (ed. Simon Coffey), hosted by Amsterdam University Press, 2 July 2021. Further information.
Histoire des idées didactologiques en didactique des langues : 1945-2015 / History of Language Teaching Research and Theorization: 1945–2015. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL and SIHFLES, supported by HoLLTnet. Tours (France), 9–11 juin / 9–11 June 2021. Programme and abstracts. Selected video-recorded presentations.
Publics spécialisés en didactique des langues (DDL) et utilité sociale: une réflexion historique sur les choix politiques, institutionnels, théoriques et didactiques. Journée d'étude de la SIHFLES, Université de Tours, France. 13 octobre 2020. Programme
Valorizing Practice: Grounded Histories of Language Learning and Teaching. HoLLTnet conference, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany, 14–15 November 2019. Original call for papers |Programme and abstracts.
HoLLTnet-supported panels on 'The Grammar-Translation Method' and 'The Reform Movement in Language Teaching' at the 2019 Henry Sweet Society Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, 5–8 September 2019. Calls for papers now closed.
The Direct Method in Language Teaching. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, Henry Sweet Society and SIHFLES, supported by HoLLTnet. Granada (Spain), 16–17 May 2019. Call for papers | Appel à communications | Final programme ] Abstracts
institutions and Second Languages in Italy: A Historiographical Approach (Lingue seconde e istituzioni in Italia: approccio storiografico): CIRSIL conference, Varese, Italy, 22-23 March 2019. Call for papers | Convegno. Website:
Bi-/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching, HoLLTnet international meeting, University of Reading, 5–7 July 2018. Programme and abstacts.
Panel on 'History of Language Learning and Teaching' at Languages Memory: Language Acts and Worldmaking conference, King's College London, 13 June 2018. Supported by HoLLTnet. Abstracts and PowerPoint slides.
The History of Language Learning and Teaching: Between the Eurocentric Model, Missionary Linguistics and Colonial Linguistics, Paris, 8-9 June 2018.
Further information.
Maestri di lingue tra metà Cinquecento e metà Seicento (with a strand also on language teaching in other periods), 12–13 April, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by HoLLTnet. Call for papers
L'exercice dans l'histoire de l'enseignement des langues, Colloque SIHFLES, Mons, 17-18 mai 2018. Appel à communication. / The 'exercise' in the history of language teaching, SIHFLES conference, Mons, Belgium, 17–18 May 2018. Call for papers | Programme
History of Language Learning and Teaching: Perspectives on Innovation (one-day Colloquium at the AILA Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 25 July 2017, Programme and absracts.
La culture dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère : conceptions théoriques, programmes et manuels aux XIXe et XXe siècles (SIHFLES conference) - Athènes, 11-13 mai 2017. Appel à communication
Le lingue straniere nell'Università italiana, dall'Unità al 1980. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by, Università degli Studi di Milano, 6-7 April 2017. Call for papers and further information.
Innovations pédagogiques dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères: perspective historique (XVIe-XXe siècles) Colloque international SIHFLES 2016, 7-8 juillet 2016, Université d’Algarve, Portugal. Organized in cooperation with APHELLE, CIRSIL, Henry Sweet Society and SEHEL, and supported by Call for papers in English.
MetaGramma: Textual and metalinguistic variation in materials for the study of foreign languages, 9-10 March 2016, Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione, Università di Bologna, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by Call for papers.
International Conference on the Historiography of English Education in India [Postponed] Centre for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad, India.
Geschichte des Fremdsprachenlehrens (themed strand of papers at DGFF-Kongress 2015), 30 September -- 3 October 2015, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
The History of Language Learning and Teaching (themed strand of papers at 2015 Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society of Linguistic Ideas), 17-19 September 2015, Palazzo Feltrinelli (University of Milan), Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy. Organized by HSS and
Politiques linguistiques et culturelles extérieures des États européens (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), 25-26 June 2015, University of Leiden, Netherlands. Organized by SIHFLES and Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Information in English.
The Spread of French in English Contexts: Enthusiasts, Challengers and Rivals / La diffusion de la langue française dans le contexte anglais : volontarisme, obstacles, rivalités, 21 May 2015, Institut français, London, UK. Organized by Lyçée français Charles de Gaulle de Londres.
Connecting Cultures? International Conference on the History of Language Teaching, 2-5 July 2014 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Nottingham, UK. Organized by HSS, CIRSIL, SIHFLES, APHELLE, and SEHEL.
I Congreso Internacional sobre la enseñanza de la gramática, 27-28 February 2014, University of Valencia, Spain. Organized by GIEL.
The Historiography of English Education in India, 29 January 2015, Centre for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad, India.
Le livre pédagogique en langue(s) étrangère(s) du XIXe siècle au XXIe siècle, 12-13 December 2013, University of Algarve, Portugal. Organized by APHELLE and APEF.
Modern Language Education Histories in Europe: How National Traditions Differ and Correspond, 28-29 June 2013 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Warwick, UK.
Modern Language Education Histories in Europe: English, French, German and Spanish across Borders, 7-8 December 2012 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Nottingham, UK.
Regards sur l’histoire du français aux Pays-Bas: diffusion, didactique, enjeux culturels, 23 November 2012, Institut français des Pays-Bas, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Organized by SIHFLES and Fondation Wallonie-Bruxelles. Further information and abstracts of the papers.
Français, allemand et anglais : trois langues rivales entre 1850 et 1945, 13-15 September 2012, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Organized by SIHFLES and GMF (Gesamtverband Moderne Fremdsprachen). Abstracts of the papers.
Female Voices: Women and Foreign Languages in Modern Europe, 6-8 June 2011, Palazzo Feltrinelli (University of Milan), Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL, SIHFLES, PHG, APHELLE, and SEHEL.
August 2024. 'English Language and Nationalism Through the Ages'. HoLLTnet-supported seminar at the European Society for the Study of English 2024 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, chaired by Simon Coffey and Giovanni Iamartino. Programme and abstracts.
August 2024. 'Colonialism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching' HoLLTnet symposium at the AILA Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, chaired by Rachel Mairs and Richard Smith. Programme and abstracts. Recording.
17–22 July 2023: Symposium on 'Ideology in the History of Language Learning and Teaching' at the AILA Congress in Lyon, France. Call for papers
28–30 June 2023: 'Language teachers, methodologies and teacher training in historical perspective'. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL, SIHFLES, supported by APEF, APROLINGUAS and, University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal. Call for proposals: English; French | Programme.
11–13 May 2023: HoLLTnet-supported 16th CIRSIL conference on 'Didattica delle lingue speciali: storia e prospettive / Special languages teaching: history and perspectives, University of Palermo. Call for proposals: English; French (deadline: 25 February)
5–6 December 2022: First HELE India Conference 2022: 'Archiving texts, textualising history: textbooks and pedagogy of English'. Organised by HELE-India Group. Call for papers (deadline now passed).
20-22 September 2022: Strand of papers on 'History of Language Learning and Teaching' at the Annual Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas conference, Leuven, Belgium. Call for papers (deadline now passed). Abstracts of papers accepted
8–10 June 2022: Workshop on 'Colonial contact and the history of learning and teaching non-European languages', University of Leiden, Netherlands, 8–10 June 2022. Call for papers. Programme with abstracts.
Language Teaching: Pedagogy and Ideology. 14th CIRSIL conference, supported by HoLLTnet. University of Pisa – Polo Congressi Le Benedettine, Piazza San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno 16, Pisa, Italy, 23–25 September 2021. Call for papers (now closed). Programme.
HoLLTnet Online Colloquium on Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Friday 17 September 2021. Original call for papers. Programme
HoLLTnet symposium on Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, AILA Congress, Groningen, Netherlands, 20 August 2021. Original call for papers. Programme
HoLLT-net supported book launch for The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching (ed. Simon Coffey), hosted by Amsterdam University Press, 2 July 2021. Further information.
Histoire des idées didactologiques en didactique des langues : 1945-2015 / History of Language Teaching Research and Theorization: 1945–2015. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL and SIHFLES, supported by HoLLTnet. Tours (France), 9–11 juin / 9–11 June 2021. Programme and abstracts. Selected video-recorded presentations.
Publics spécialisés en didactique des langues (DDL) et utilité sociale: une réflexion historique sur les choix politiques, institutionnels, théoriques et didactiques. Journée d'étude de la SIHFLES, Université de Tours, France. 13 octobre 2020. Programme
Valorizing Practice: Grounded Histories of Language Learning and Teaching. HoLLTnet conference, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany, 14–15 November 2019. Original call for papers |Programme and abstracts.
HoLLTnet-supported panels on 'The Grammar-Translation Method' and 'The Reform Movement in Language Teaching' at the 2019 Henry Sweet Society Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, 5–8 September 2019. Calls for papers now closed.
The Direct Method in Language Teaching. Joint conference of APHELLE, CIRSIL, Henry Sweet Society and SIHFLES, supported by HoLLTnet. Granada (Spain), 16–17 May 2019. Call for papers | Appel à communications | Final programme ] Abstracts
institutions and Second Languages in Italy: A Historiographical Approach (Lingue seconde e istituzioni in Italia: approccio storiografico): CIRSIL conference, Varese, Italy, 22-23 March 2019. Call for papers | Convegno. Website:
Bi-/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching, HoLLTnet international meeting, University of Reading, 5–7 July 2018. Programme and abstacts.
Panel on 'History of Language Learning and Teaching' at Languages Memory: Language Acts and Worldmaking conference, King's College London, 13 June 2018. Supported by HoLLTnet. Abstracts and PowerPoint slides.
The History of Language Learning and Teaching: Between the Eurocentric Model, Missionary Linguistics and Colonial Linguistics, Paris, 8-9 June 2018.
Further information.
Maestri di lingue tra metà Cinquecento e metà Seicento (with a strand also on language teaching in other periods), 12–13 April, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by HoLLTnet. Call for papers
L'exercice dans l'histoire de l'enseignement des langues, Colloque SIHFLES, Mons, 17-18 mai 2018. Appel à communication. / The 'exercise' in the history of language teaching, SIHFLES conference, Mons, Belgium, 17–18 May 2018. Call for papers | Programme
History of Language Learning and Teaching: Perspectives on Innovation (one-day Colloquium at the AILA Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 25 July 2017, Programme and absracts.
La culture dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère : conceptions théoriques, programmes et manuels aux XIXe et XXe siècles (SIHFLES conference) - Athènes, 11-13 mai 2017. Appel à communication
Le lingue straniere nell'Università italiana, dall'Unità al 1980. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by, Università degli Studi di Milano, 6-7 April 2017. Call for papers and further information.
Innovations pédagogiques dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères: perspective historique (XVIe-XXe siècles) Colloque international SIHFLES 2016, 7-8 juillet 2016, Université d’Algarve, Portugal. Organized in cooperation with APHELLE, CIRSIL, Henry Sweet Society and SEHEL, and supported by Call for papers in English.
MetaGramma: Textual and metalinguistic variation in materials for the study of foreign languages, 9-10 March 2016, Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione, Università di Bologna, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL and supported by Call for papers.
International Conference on the Historiography of English Education in India [Postponed] Centre for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad, India.
Geschichte des Fremdsprachenlehrens (themed strand of papers at DGFF-Kongress 2015), 30 September -- 3 October 2015, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
The History of Language Learning and Teaching (themed strand of papers at 2015 Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society of Linguistic Ideas), 17-19 September 2015, Palazzo Feltrinelli (University of Milan), Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy. Organized by HSS and
Politiques linguistiques et culturelles extérieures des États européens (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), 25-26 June 2015, University of Leiden, Netherlands. Organized by SIHFLES and Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Information in English.
The Spread of French in English Contexts: Enthusiasts, Challengers and Rivals / La diffusion de la langue française dans le contexte anglais : volontarisme, obstacles, rivalités, 21 May 2015, Institut français, London, UK. Organized by Lyçée français Charles de Gaulle de Londres.
Connecting Cultures? International Conference on the History of Language Teaching, 2-5 July 2014 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Nottingham, UK. Organized by HSS, CIRSIL, SIHFLES, APHELLE, and SEHEL.
I Congreso Internacional sobre la enseñanza de la gramática, 27-28 February 2014, University of Valencia, Spain. Organized by GIEL.
The Historiography of English Education in India, 29 January 2015, Centre for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad, India.
Le livre pédagogique en langue(s) étrangère(s) du XIXe siècle au XXIe siècle, 12-13 December 2013, University of Algarve, Portugal. Organized by APHELLE and APEF.
Modern Language Education Histories in Europe: How National Traditions Differ and Correspond, 28-29 June 2013 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Warwick, UK.
Modern Language Education Histories in Europe: English, French, German and Spanish across Borders, 7-8 December 2012 (AHRC Research Network 'Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (MFLTL)'), University of Nottingham, UK.
Regards sur l’histoire du français aux Pays-Bas: diffusion, didactique, enjeux culturels, 23 November 2012, Institut français des Pays-Bas, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Organized by SIHFLES and Fondation Wallonie-Bruxelles. Further information and abstracts of the papers.
Français, allemand et anglais : trois langues rivales entre 1850 et 1945, 13-15 September 2012, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Organized by SIHFLES and GMF (Gesamtverband Moderne Fremdsprachen). Abstracts of the papers.
Female Voices: Women and Foreign Languages in Modern Europe, 6-8 June 2011, Palazzo Feltrinelli (University of Milan), Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy. Organized by CIRSIL, SIHFLES, PHG, APHELLE, and SEHEL.