Details of national and language-based associations
APHELLE (Associação Portuguesa para a História do Ensino das Línguas e Literaturas Extranjeras)
CIRSIL (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti Linguistici)
The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas (HSS)
日本英語教育史学会 / HiSELT (Society for Historical Studies of English Learning and Teaching in Japan)
HELB (História do Ensino de Línguas no Bresil)
Matthias-Kramer-Gesellschaft für die Erforschung der Geschichte des Fremdsprachenerwerbs und der Mehrsprachigkeit
日本英学史学会 Nihon eigakushi gakkai
PHG (Peeter Heynsgenootschap)
SEHL (Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística)
SIHFLES (Societé internationale pour l’histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde)
Every two to three years, APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL (previously, SEHEL), SIHFLES and HoLLTnet organise a European conference together. The last conference was in 2023 in Faro, Portugal, and the next one is projected for Como, Italy, in 2025.